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7 Days To Die - The Wilderness Project

This is a community-driven site devoted to the game 7 Days to Die and making mods for it.

Some content cannot be accessed until you register an account with a VERIFIED E-mail address, and continued use requires it remain valid.

Registration approvals for now are manually done by me and may take a few hours to approve. I DO sleep from time to time.

Articles by Wolfrune

1 min read
The nutrition system adds several new nutrition levels in addition to your general hunger bar: Protein, Carbs, and Fiber (Fruits & Veggies). These nutrition bars degrade over a several day period and are replenished by specific types of foods (Eat meat based foods to restore protein, for...
3 min read
Introducing The Wilderness Project Environments. Flora, Foraging, Fauna, Effects modlets, various tile sets and systems to flesh out the world into hopefully, a more captivating and enjoyable experience filled with much more to do then just taking on the zed hordes. What started out as just an...
2 min read
Just finishing up on the map package #1, and after running and playing through these I'm pretty excited because they are different and require a little bit of thought on your part. Due to the nature of the Wilderness Project itself,, there's just not enough content to really do anything...
3 min read
For years now modders have been putting forth a lot of great prefabs but the vast majority of them tend to focus on cities, towns and villages. We see this with popular mod sites and the existing compilations like Compopack, and creators who go above and beyond like ZZTong, etc. Ever since...
2 min read
Maps are going to be a different beast. It will probably be easier to say what we don't want upfront. Just your regular run-of-the-mill RWG maps, NO. If you are into unique biome setups, maps that are made specifically for overhauls, or possibly using a unique generation method or one of the...
2 min read
First there is a help section... General Site Information Ground Rules For Access Approvals are for now, still through e-mail validation AND manually checked by staff. If it's taking longer than usual, check back in a few hours. Some of us sleep. 1. Your Email must remain valid. The system...
2 min read
The Story: You wake up one morning and realize there's nothing left in the South. The same places, the same people- or at least what is left of them. Maybe there was something to the stories that old man you found had been telling you. He seemed crazy, but watching him take out that whole room...
5 min read
Design Concepts and Guidelines Yeah, some ground rules need to be set. Players and server operators need to be able to rely on the content not throwing the game balance out the window, and to some degree know what to expect when and where. We all know what happens when designers can go crazy...
3 min read
What is TWP? In essence, TWP stands for: The Wilderness Project. For years now modders have been putting forth a lot of great prefabs but the vast majority of them tend to focus on cities, towns and villages. We see this with popular mod sites and the existing compilations like Compopack, and...